The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

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By 2060
one in three Europeans
will be over 65.
Costs for care are rising sharply.
If we don’t change our systems for health and social care,
we will not have the money and the people
to guarantee a good and healthy life for all.
If we reinvent
our systems for
health and social care,
innovative new
and services
can help us deliver better
and cheaper care
for all.
The ratio of working people
to the ‘inactive’ others
is shiing
from 4 to 1 today
to 2 to 1 by 2060.
Today 2060
Europe is ageing.
The Silver Economy
Active and healthy ageing offers also
great opportunities.
If we are prepared to change our systems for health
and social care, we can benefit from those.
Ageing in good health allows us to
Europe has what it takes to benefit from these new opportunities
Today Europeans over 65
have a spending capacity of
over €3,000 billion.
The Silver economy offers
new highly skilled
tech jobs
but also the opportunity for
low qualified
population to reskill.
Work for more years
Learn new things
General Practitioner
monitors online progress
Social Services
activate regular visits
of carer and social worker
Electronic Health Record
Prepare our homes
for living independently
for the many years to come
A solid R&I base
in European industry.
such as
care robotics
A host of
SMEs & start-ups
are now developing
Health mobile
that assist
with tracking
Big pharma companies
are developing
integrated therapeutic